
Entry Dermaseptin-3
Uniprot code P80279
Fasta P80279
Peptide names Dermaseptin-3 Dermaseptin S3 DS3
Suborder Neobatrachia
Family Hylidae
Genus Phyllomedusa
Species Phyllomedusa sauvagii
Ecozone Neotropic
Distribution The Chacoan region of eastern Bolivia, northern Paraguay, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), and northern Argentina
Antimicrobial & other activities antibacterial, antifungal
Tissue Skin
Length 30
1. for MIC/HC50 J.K. Ghosh et al. / JBC 272 (1997) 31609-31616. Selective Cytotoxicity of Dermaseptin S3 toward IntraerythrocyticPlasmodium falciparum and the Underlying Molecular Basis;  A. Mor et al. / JBC 269 (1994) 31635-31641. The vertebrate peptide antibiotics dermaseptins have overlapping structural features but target specific microorganisms;  T. Jouenne et al. / Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 42 (1998) 87-90. Antibacterial activity of synthetic dermaseptins against growing and non-growing Escherichia coli cultures
2. for other activities A. Mor and P. Nicolas / European Journal of Biochemistry 219 (1994) 145-154. Isolation and structure of novel defensive peptides from frog skin

Segment type Name Length Amidated Sequence HC50 (μM) MIC E. coli (μM) MIC S. aureus (μM)